Monday, January 25, 2010

My Newest Thrill

It's called the "Next Blog" button, folks! Try it. It's at the top left of your screen. I am not very blog savvy. I wish I were. I wish I could find countless blogs of middle-aged women studying music in graduate school. Alas, I don't know how to search for these things. I wish dozens of women like me could read my blog and comment about how they relate to what I'm doing. But hardly anyone reads my blog. I thought, "If I start reading and following other people's blogs, maybe someone will start reading mine." I know, it's a long shot, and I'll probably always wish for and never have a really strong blog following, but in the meanwhile, I'm really enjoying "Next Blog". I have stumbled across some really freaky stuff (not good, lol), but I've found some great blogs, too. I found a guy who posts videos of his rock band. I kind of like them! I will follow him anonymously, though. I found a lady who drives a bus in Minneapolis and blogs about all her adventures; I really relate to this one, since I took the bus to school and back every day for 4 years (yuck). I found a blog of a pretty good artist. I have read about people who test pans for All Clad (How cool is that??). I am really enjoying it. Something funny about this is all the Mormon moms who are bloggers. You can tell right away that they're Mormons, and they very often have quite clever entries. Maybe I need to post a temple photo on my blog? Just kidding. It wouldn't quite go with my nude Apollo sculpture. This blog is about music. LOL It's late. I'll stop there.


  1. Well, you are certainly increasing your blog savvy-ness at a quick pace: first explaining that you have to sign in first to leave a comment (I don't get why it has to be that way, but at least I know how that works now), and now the "next blog" button which I am about to explore now that you've pointed it out.

    I have to confess that I am very vain about my blogs, but the fact that they are little-read helps keep me humble. The one that I've had the longest has the most readers, so hang in there, as long as you keep writing great posts, you'll gain a following.

    Speaking of Mormon moms who blog, have you checked out "Seriously So Blessed"? Satire at its best...

  2. My brother follows "Seriously So Blessed". It is pretty funny!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog (and commenting!)
