Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Working toward deadlines

I guess I am a sort of person who works toward a deadline. it would be great if I could just do a little every day to remain in a state of constant progress. For some reason I tend to fill my life with events that create these deadlines, so I end up working like a crazy lady, trying to get everything done "in time" and seeing if I can "just stick with it until Friday" and "when such and so date comes, then I'll be out of the woods." I guess it's not a really BAD way to live, because I become very goal oriented in terms of succeeding for the deadlines. But I'm kind of sick of it. I kind of wish I didn't have ANY deadlines. No predictive exam to study for. No festival to prepare for. No audition to practice for. Just some lazy days to lounge around on the couch. Trouble is, if that were the case, then I'd just be an average, mediocre person with no special skills. I kind of like my special skills. I kind of like being the best at things. But today I'm sick of pushing pushing pushing myself. I just want to sit around and drink my juice and wait for this kidney stone to pass! But I don't have the luxury, because I have an audition on Friday and a festival on Saturday, so I put my nose back to the grindstone.


  1. Somehow, I don't buy the bit about you being a "mediocre person with no special skills," even if you were to take a whole month off. A year, even. Simply impossible.

  2. I think you and I are two for a pair, Jen.
