Sunday, February 7, 2010

Where Are All the Ladies?

I've been thinking about female musicians. Why aren't there more of us? I went to hear a jazz band the other night, comprised of five guys. How many jazz bands do you know that are comprised of five ladies? None. How many female jazz musicians do you know? I don't know any. How many FAMOUS female jazz musicians can you think of? You can probably count them on one hand. How about this: Female composers. Female arrangers. Touring Female Concert Artists. Here's an even tougher one: Touring Female Concert Artists With Growing Children. How many do you know? Zero. How about this one: Female college music faculty members with children? Zero.

When I first started this blog, I thought, "I'll blog about being a graduate music student and I'll run into all kinds of other women who are also pursuing their dreams." No such luck. I think there are not more than a dozen women like me in the whole country. A 30-something mother of three, trying to be a top-notch musician, going to school, practicing several hours a day. If you take out the school part, then I have a couple of friends who are like me. But I would have thought I would have found more of these ladies on blogspot. Maybe there are many other ladies like me, but musicians are dis-inclined from blogging for some reason. I doubt it. I think what I do is so demanding that women who are also mothers can't do music and motherhood simultaneously. It's sort of true; I didn't play much music until my youngest entered kindergarten. It helps that my husband works from home and cooks most of our meals. I have a good husband, who supports me in pursuing these dreams. What a guy. Thanks, Babe!

This post is by no means intended to insult my lady friends that are currently accounted for! I am simply looking to expand our "support group", of sorts.


  1. I know a female Jazz pianist who went to high school with me, and she now tours with a famous country singer.

    Google Melanie Shore and check her Myspace.

  2. You know Tawna, the top reason I like playing with you besides your awesome hair and fantastic piano skills is you're a person with passion and guts. You're willing to do whatever it takes to break down those walls. There's a reason we don't hear about people like you too often, and I'm pretty sure you figure out why that is every day based upon the sacrifices you are making to do what you do. If anyone can prove it can be done or "where there's a will, there's a way," it's you.

  3. Here's my new business card:
    Pianist for Hire.
    Has Awesome Hair.
    Plays alright, too.
